Saturday, April 5, 2014

Idiotic reactions to Cosmos

If you got annoyed by these answers, then I salute you, you're not part of the dumb crowd.

If you're sensitive towards religion and stuff, then I suggest you to not read this ok. And even if you do and you find this somehow rude or it makes you feel like I'm calling you dumb or something, I'm not, I was raised in a catholic home, I currently study in a catholic school, I am familiar with this stuff, just so I don't seem like an angry atheist. I know. I used to be christian too, but my views changed. And regarding the dumb part, I'm not calling YOU dumb, don't take it personally, I'm sure you're an ok person, but yeah I'm calling people who say that "space doesn't exist go read a bible", dumb. Because come on, I'm pretty sure that even you can tell that science has proofs of stuff. And I am entitled to MY opinion, just like YOU'RE entitled to your opinion. We're all friends here, I think.

So without further a due, I'm not calling you dumb, this isn't personal and it's meant to people who commented actual dumb stuff about Cosmos, who believe blindly in the bible and who sounded like extremists. Google it. And you can believe in whatever you want to believe, it's your stuff and I respect that, I'm not trying to convert you or anything, and I know that religion is a really touchy topic to discuss because it offends a lot of people, but I love to talk about it because it's a topic of high interest to me, so as long as you're not terribly rude in the comments, I'm up for a discussion about it and yeah I hope you don't hate me too much after this. Much love, bye.

Ok, so I LOVE this show called Cosmos, which talks about... the cosmos woo *clap clap*. And it's terrifically interesting and I've learnt stuff that I had never even heard about! And along with me there are other thousands of people who adore this show and find it really amazing. Although there are always two faces of the coin. I read some of these negative reviews through TheAmazingAtheist channel on youtube and I felt like slapping these people's faces with fishes. Just go read some of them, google it. Stuff like "Stupid Cosmos, space doesn't exist" will come up.

Seriously, how is it possible that some people can reach these levels? Because they're not even trolls, this is just people being stupid and uneducated! Let's get something straight m'kay? Don't base your knowledge and actions in a book as old as the Bible, because you'd be totally cool with stoning people, for example. The bible is just a book, hugely influential and loved, but still shouldn't be taken that seriously, at least some parts. And like, really? Some comments were saying that the bible was more credible than science itself? And now, hold on, these are just my views on this matter. For some people it's waaayyyyy more plausible that a guy suddenly decided to create everything and spent like 1 second creating everything and then spent a full week creating the Earth as if it's the most important thing ever, and then made a dude who wandered around naked and then got rid of a rib to make the women who got persuaded by a talking snake to bite an apple and then that guy decided that he didn't like them and sent them away from his magic garden than what science, BASED ON FACTS, has to say and has proved. And I'm taking Adam and Eve as an example because I'm sure that even some christians know that the garden is just a metaphor. And I'm talking about personal experiences here, I've had priests telling me this, ok?

It's simple. Humans were dumb. Humans got scared by the freezing, giant world they did not understand. Humans created gods so they would be less scared, like they had something to hold on to. Yes, humans created gods, not the other way around. People created the gods and everything was ok, they did their own things and started learning. Then this guy named Jesus starting threatening everything by saying he was the son of a merciful god who actually would hate you and make you go to hell if you didn't believe in him. Yeah, a man called Jesus may have existed, I just don't believe in the part in which he made miracles and stuff. Besides from that, everything's ok, a lot of people start new religions nowadays. Anyway, the empire killed him. The empire started believing in his message because they were scared and let's face it, some of them illiterate and didn't know any better. The medieval ages came and everyone got dumb again thanks to religion. And this part is true, religion was kind of like a way of controlling, people were afraid of the war and death so they turned to their god, but the truth is that people had a really closed mentality and important stuff like art started revolving only around religion. Even geography, take the map at the below as an example. They did not call it "the dark ages" in vain.

Regarding the map, Jerusalem in the middle and then the unknown. Oh, you have other conceptions of this? Lmao you got nothing against the church because we're the best. This part is also true. No, they'd didn't say lmao you got nothing against us cause we're the best, but it is known that the church did some pretty nasty stuff throughout history. But then the renaissance came, suddenly people started questioning all these theories, even the existence of god! They didn't diss the idea of him aside, but they still questioned him. And it has been like that since that time. Why? Because people started learning stuff and getting more educated, and getting more access to a lot of knowledge. And they started questioning, and that is awesome.

Of course we will never get all the mysteries of the universe, that's why we create gods, because we can't deal with that sort of stuff with our stupid little human brains, so let gods deal with that. My dad told me this when he though I was mature enough and then laughed and said not to worry because we normally tend to turn to god again when we are facing death. I have to admit I laughed along with him, because I get it. I get that fear that we're nothing in a cosmical view, that we're nothing in this fucking huge and infinite universe, that we're nothing but a speck, dust. That we're nothing. And I understand why people created religion. We have something to hold on to, to believe in, and we don't feel so alone. And I get if you believe in that, and I respect that. By no means am I trying to force my visions about this issue on you. But when people are extremists about their religions... no... just no.

When people try to force you into their religion, that's not ok. When people don't listen to your arguments and just go crazy and start typing stupid things like somethings I read about Cosmos, that sometimes don't have anything to do with believing in god, but just the mere fact of going to school? That's just being a blind believer, and it's that blindness that pisses me off. Not just in christianity, but in other religions as well. Heck, it even pisses me off some of the things that I've read written by atheists. Believe in whatever you wish to believe, just don't be closed minded and blind sometimes.

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