Saturday, February 22, 2014

“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details.”

A stream in Tomtor, Russia, that never freezes because of the hot springs. The vapor, coming out continuously, freezes instantly over the trees all around, creating very bizarre shapes. Томтор, as it’s called in Russian, is a small town situated inside the Pole of the Cold, the world’s coldest inhabited place, where the January’s average temperature is -50°C.

Zack Seckler
Absolutely beautiful images from Botswana, the colours and patterns are breath taking. It’s so easy to forget how incredible nature can be. 7

‘Being above the ground at such low elevations, and having the ability to precisely maneuver, was like gliding over an enormous painting and being able to create brushstrokes at will. As soon as I saw the landscape from above I knew there was potential to create a special body of work.’

From Nami, a series of photos of waves around the shores of Sado Island in Japan. The photographer, a young Buddhist monk named Syoin Kajii, watches the water patiently, waiting for a moment of surprise. via

A woman surveys a treacherous mountain pass in the Pyrenees of France, 1956 - Photograph by Justin Locke, National Geographic

The Utonagan is a breed of dog that resembles a wolf, but in fact is a mix of three breeds of domestic dog: Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, and Siberian Husky

Pink curve along the Spiral Jetty, the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Robert Smithson’s famous earthwork Spiral Jetty is located in the north arm on the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Using black basalt rocks and earth from the site, the artist created a coil 1500 feet long and 15ft wide that stretches out counterclockwise into the translucent red water

The Earth is a beautiful place. Make sure you enjoy your stay.

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