Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Rock bB = Change Lives

So, long time no see! I've recently started thinking about getting back on Blogger and write some posts on this old blog, maybe re-vamp it a bit. So much has happened in the last years, months, weeks, so there should be quite a few topics to go over. Nonetheless, today I'd like to talk to you about something new that has happened in my life, and that has the capacity to impact positively so many people!

A couple of weeks ago I was asked by one of the Brand Rep Managers of BeyondBeanie to join them on their mission. Although I was a bit reticent at first since this was not the first time I was approached by a brand (and turned it down, just 'cause afraid of exposure...) I actually accepted and I'm thrilled! The brand's values are wholesome, and their products are just too cute. I annexed some resources to this post so that you can check their online store, mission, and even their TedTalk!

I've only now really started to get more into this commitment, but it has already been so rewarding. I was given a discount code that you can use for 25% off: NESI25; so that's just another reason to go pay them a visit, learn how they are helping to fight poverty by empowering artisans and helping children in need and also help me at the same time, in case you're interested!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope to find you reading my rambles in the near future!

● Inês ●

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