Sunday, August 28, 2016

Back On Track


Long time no speak! Or should I say write? With exams and me finishing school for good, also with breakups and drama along the way, I got a little bit lost. This summer was all about self discovery, or re-discovery. I find that some people, no matter how much you love them, hold back your personal growth and in these past few months that's all I've been working towards. I finished school with a very good average, I applied to the colleges I wanted, I went out a lot and met amazing and fascinating people from my town and from other parts of the world! I had a couple of eye-opening experiences, I read, I found new music, new shows (which I'll discuss in another posts!), I walked and left the house a lot and fell in love with myself and found inner strength where I didn't think there was any left.

There were also a lot of bad things going on, before these good things happened, my mental health hit rock bottom, most of it triggered by a really awful breakup. Not having had a support group to get through it I felt lost and alone for the first weeks and maybe months of summer. But as awful as it all may seem when you're going through it, you always survive, the suffocating pain ends up dissipating, you always have yourself to rely on in the end. So here I am. I missed writing, I was so caught up in what seemed to be the end of everything that I lost myself. That's what teenager years are for, I guess, growth, letting go, discovery. I am so ready to get into college (thinking positive here, since we only know if we got in in a couple of weeks), to start a new path, meet new people, express myself the way I want to. My old school was a bubble, and I din't really have a pleasing experience there. It's so surreal, having studied there for 12 years, that it's all over. The safety net was removed from under our feet and now we're drifting, all of us, lost in our own way.

This update got really rambly, but I just wanted to drop by and check up on everything, since this is one of my little personal spaces on the internet. Anyway, here's an overview of my summer through some snippets from my instagram.

● Inês ●

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