Thursday, April 21, 2016

Skincare Tips | Skincare Week


So we've already covered lots of issues in this skincare week but I'd say they apply to more troubled sensitive skin, so what if you already got smooth skin but just want to maintain it and prevent any breakouts? Here are a few tips I use, although you should definitely formulate your own skincare regime depending on your skin type and products that are compatible with it.

  • Water, water, water. You have to drink water and this is such an important step to having clearer skin! You have to keep it hydrated and happy since you loose water through your breath, perspiration and for other obvious reasons. You should drink at least 2 liters of water everyday but of course this depends on your location and gender.
  • You need to take care of your nutrition. I lack in this department sometimes since I love food and sometimes eat stuff that causes pimples. If you incorporate lots of vegetables into your diet your skin will be much healthier than if you were always eating junk food. If you love stuff like chocolate and soda, I'd suggest switching to dark chocolate and carbonated water.
  • If you're a makeup wearer, especially if you use it frequently, you absolutely need to take it off as soon as you can. Makeup itself isn't bad for your skin, but if you leave it on for example overnight or if it hasn't been thoroughly removed and cleansed off it might do some damage. So make sure you give your skin a good cleanse and use a toner to regulate the pH balance of your skin each night (although the toner isn't 100% necessary) and you should be all good.
  • Also, if you're a makeup wearer, clean your brushes often since makeup sits on them and they also collect dust and other things that can irritate your skin. 
  • Clean or switch your pillow cases often, since skin flakes, sweat, dirt and grease from your hair or even hair products gets on it and you don't want that rubbed all over your face while you're trying to get your beauty sleep.
  • If you have acne prone skin you should always wash your hands using an anti bacterial soap before doing your skin routine. Remember that your hands get in contact with a lot of dirt throughout the day and you don't want to further irritate the skin.
  • If you're doing a clay mask you should steam your face by running hot water and putting your face next to the steam that will come out (not directly as this will obviously burn your face) what this will do is that it'll open your pores which will help the mask to better penetrate the skin and get rid of excess oils and dirt.
  • If possible, you should see a dermatologist!

● Inês ●

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