Firstly, we have to acknowledge the fact that unlike other blockbusters, Deadpool had a considerably smaller budget, actually, several jokes were made about it throughout the movie, breaking what is called the 4th wall. In what money it may have lacked, it compensated in its cast, writing and directing. From the start, we immediately get the idea that Deadpool will not be our average super-hero, he even makes sure and repeats himself a lot to make sure we don’t get the wrong idea about him, he's an anti-hero. He is witty, he’s dynamic, he has lots of charisma, so much so that even if you start by being weird out by his silly puns, or even a bit thrown off by all his profanity, you end up liking him anyway. The movie is not outstanding in a way that it falls into some old movie clichés, but is still tremendously refreshing. Wade Wilson is not lawful, he goes on murderous rampages simply to get revenge, but weirdly enough, you can still see the good in him. You could say that he is a chaotically good character, being both humane and lax.
It's during the said action scenes that we can see the CGI kicking in. Are they necessary at all? In this case, yes. Although it is noticeable sometimes to the more trained eye, you're willing to overlook it for how action packed and awesome these scenes are, how on the edge of your seat they will leave you. Some scenes would be impossible to film had they not have used digital imaging. Is CGI a prerequisite to movies? Not at all. Great movies have been made without it, and even if you find them somewhat distracting, now we get to fully express our imagination through it, making epic fights look more amazing and credible with it, for example.
Concluding, Deadpool definitely met the high standards people were raising about it, with a talented and charismatic cast and crew, we even get the pleasure to witness the typical Stan Lee cameo, and besides all that CGI played an important role in it. Personally, I think we haven't seen the last of Wade Wilson and what is set to be one of the anti-heros that will mark a future generation of Marvel lovers. I loved the movie so much I had to see it twice at the theaters, and bought the soundtrack, so make sure you go check it out if you're not sure if you want to see it or not!
IMDb rating: 8.6/10
Peronal rating: 8/10
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