So Disney announced the release of a The Incredibles 2 (also a Cars 3) and uh... am I really the only one who's totally not looking forward to it?
I love Pixar, I really do, but I think that it's a biiiiiigggg mistake. Look at what happened to the second movie of Cars! No matter how much you love their movies, sometimes it's just better to leave it like that. Can't nobody see how wrong this is going to turn out? Maybe I'm just being dramatic, but The Incredibles are one of my favorite animated movies in the history of ever. But it ended. And it was awesome and epic and all that. And it has reached its end.
"Yes I'll get to re-live one of my favorite movies ever wooo!" No you will not! I want it to be good, I swear I do, so much! But it's never the same, and I'm scared that they'll ruin it. The best movies aren't made to have a sequel, I'd rather just have one great movie exploding with awesomeness and amazing scenes rather than one of those and then a shitty sequel with stupid jokes to sell and it being a disappointment. Because that's normally the case. Like, the only Disney sequels that I really like are the Toy Story ones, because - especially the third one - they keep it fresh and just really hilarious! But the thing is that Toy Story isn't even my favorite Disney movie. My favorites ones - who got a sequel - I don't even bother watching them. I just see gifs and clips of it on tumblr, but I just know that it will never have the same impact as the original one. Take Monsters Inc. as an example. It is one of those movies that I will forever hold dear, but Monsters University was not as good. And people seemed to go crazy about it and forgot that there ever was a Monsters Inc. and that pisses me off because that's my childhood! And those people's childhoods too!
Like, just, just create new stuff and stop making sequels about movies that don't need any addition to its perfection, because it won't ever be as good as the first one. Deal with it.
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