Monday, March 3, 2014

4| Read this, watch that.

W a t c h: American Horror Story

An anthology series that centers on different characters and locations, including a haunted house, an insane asylum and a witch coven.

Well. Fuck. 
I admit it, I wasn't quite sure if I'd like this tv show. I had heard a lot of awesome things about this, but I had no idea it would be this terrifying. I watched the first two seasons in two day. Like, I literally stay up until 4 am watching it because it is so goddamn addicting. I have no regrets, though. 
Trough the first season sometimes I'd be confused like "wow who died now wtf", and other times I'd be reevaluating my life choices for being attracted to a psychopath who killed 15 people, set his step dad on fire, raped someones mom, broke a dude's neck and shoved one of those metal fireplace thingies through a guy's ass. I mean, who can blame me, Evan Peters is hot.
And my reaction to the second season has been pretty much a series of "Well fuck that.". The intro is even more disturbing, the deaths are even more bloody and the stories are even more fucked up. And can we just take a moment to appreciate Zachary Quinto's eyebrows? They're gold. What? Hm, yeah he did skin off his victims and wore them as a mask, but no one can deny his eyebrow's awesomeness.
I haven't started the third season yet but I'm freaking scared of what's coming.

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