Saturday, February 15, 2014


Imagine if Amnesia or Slender came with a heart rate monitor. Imagine every time something creepy happened it would get worse because your heart began to beat faster and the game recognized you were scared.
Nevermind does just that!

If you think this sounds the least bit interesting, this game needs your HELP! Please consider donating on Kickstarter to help get this game going.

You can get all sorts of cool stuff just by donating, like a Nevermind T-shirt! Your name in the game (and in the credits!) A hardcover art book! A copy of the soundtrack! And much more.

Even better, Nevermind has been pre-approved by Valve to be released on Steam to everyone who supports it!!

So please go donate. This project will only be funded if at least $250,000 is pledged by Fri, Mar 7 2014 and it needs all the help it can get!! (x)

Guys *pokes your eye* I'm in love with this game's concept can this please happen? Pretty pretty please?

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