Friday, February 7, 2014

I need to replay The Last of Us.

It was probably my favorite game ever, and here are some reasons as to why I need to go through all the process of breaking my heart and leaving me scared every time I hear a click:

  • Bill;
Bill, the dude who can fix cars and blow everything up. He was the shit and nobody can convince me otherwise.

  • Ellie's randomness
*in the middle of a post apocalyptic scenario*
*starts whistling*

  • The fricking graphics
Are you kidding me???? They were so good, all the details, just ugh! They did an amazing job capturing what it'd be like if suddenly everyone started to turn into zombies and rip people's throats. I love them.

  • Firefly's necklaces and BD's
I need to find what's left of them, I didn't find them all.

  • I want to put myself through the pain of losing Tess again
I don't even know why, because honestly, Tess was one of the best characters I have ever had the pleasure to fuck some shit up with, and I was sad for hours when she died.

  • I need to listen to that awesome guitar
The soundtrack was gorgeous, that cool guitar that would sometimes play, I adore it.

  • Doin' it 4 teh zambies.
Sorry for that, I know it must've been hard for you to read it. I mean, I hope it was.
Anyway, the zombies looked so cool! Normally the zombies are all slow and bluuuUUHHH BRAINS, but here it was like buUHHH LEMME RIP YOUR THrOAT OUT HELLS YEAH.

  • Joel and Ellie's relationship
I was so pleased with the character development! I loved watching their bond getting stronger even though they wouldn't admit it and yep, I just really need to play the goddamn game again.

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